Taken from Bazclef;
The scene an hour's drive west of Port-au-Prince is apocalyptic. Almost every single building on the road I'm driving on now has been flattened.
The destruction here is even more dramatic than the dreadful conditions in the capital. People have fled to the surrounding sugarcane fields or into mangrove swamps - anything to get away from the nightmare of the falling buildings.
I've seen a long line of people queuing up at a single working water tap. Tens of thousands are living in the open in church compounds, school playgrounds and marketplaces.
The population here are in profound shock. Many are wearing handkerchiefs over their mouths to keep out the dust and ward off the smell of dead bodies.
David Orr, a spokesman for the UN World Food Programme...
Many thousands were feared dead.
"Nearly every house was destroyed here. The military are talking about 20,000 to 30,000 dead."
Many survivors have been leaving quake-hit areas in search of food, water and medicine.
Quoting boywonder's Leggopoker blog...
Stars, Tilt and Cake are making you an offer you can´t refuse. Any donations made to help ease the terrible struggle of the people in Haiti will be matched dollar for dollar.
If you are going to give another cent to charity in your life, let it be this time when Lederer and the boys match it.
I shipped 1 buy-in to "Aid for Haiti" on Fulltilt. 1 single buy-in. In fact, I should be ashamed for not giving more, and hopefully I will shame myself into giving another buy in. Unfortunately I already gave some today earlier before I found out about this amazing opportunity. However, by the time I wake up tomorrow, I won´t even remember having done that.
Leggo and the rest of the poker-community, let´s show the world that we are not the bumhunting nits everybody thinks we are, and donate 1 or half of a buy-in of your regular stake, and inspire others to do the same. Encourage your friends and family to help through you, so that they too can get 2:1 on their money and benefit from this bargain deal.
Within 24 hours, you will forget about it, and the effect it will have on your life will be completely insignificant. However, a child may have clean drinking water or hospital aid due to your generosity.
Donate a buy-in now!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Too be honest it has been a little dissapointing. 2.75 BB/100 over 90K hands is poor. I would put a little of this down to running bad, but mostly down to the monotony of playing 2-3 hours EVERY DAY of the week. It's difficult not to overthink hands and start messing with regs etc. My redline is disappointing too, though at 25nl I've heard also that a slightly negative redline is fine too as long as your blue line is raising at a bigger rate (obv).
In terms of money made I'm actually happy enough. $1400 +about $700 rakeback is more than enough to keep me going.
I'm going to Greece now for 10 days.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Back on Track

Things are going good again. Just had a +7 buy in day, and didn't even really play that long which is nice. And a positive red line which always feels good. My overall stats are actually a little depressing to look at, running just a little over 3.5BB/100 which isn't impressive at all but it is giving me a better hourly than a normal job. Just need to really start putting in more hours if I'm going to afford inter railing. We bought our flights today for the 3rd of August, flying straight into Amsterdam which is gonna be savage.
Had a couple of interesting hands, both of them versus regs and one versus my arch-nemesis, Virmos, who's an absolute nit. I've noticed that he will only really sit at tables where he's either across the table from, or has position on me, and I've berated him for it too. It felt SWEET.
And this beauty was a savagely cold deck for villain but he could have folded. Probably for the first time ever I typed something into the chat to try to extract the call. On the river after I went all in I said "Two pair no good". I did this hoping to rep the set because I actually had him on a weak flush. To be honest it was just a savagely cold deck, but I'm sure some regs might fold. The magical thing about this is that we both had more than one buy-in. My advice; If you're gonna hit a straight flush, -do it in a situation like this;
On a different note I've found a guilty pleasure song that is really cheesy but a friend threw it on for me recently and I haven't stopped listening to it since. It is pretty fucking cheesy though.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Pulling my hair out

Since my last post about a week ago I've been putting off another post until I have something positive to say. Just played about two hours there and finished up about 4 BI's so I'll update how I've been doing. I've played about 20k hands, about 4/500 of those were played drunk which I will never attempt again. Another 4/5K of those were played while exceptionally tired after a night out (which I will also never attempt again) and the rest of them (bar today's) I was just playing poorly. Granted there are some ugly, ugly bad beats in there which are just plain unpleasant and happening with frightening regularity but that's part of poker. Over those 20K hands I ran at just over 1BB/100. A fantastic return for a reg at 25nl. Not. The really disappointing thing is that my red line (money won without showdown) Has been consistently heading south which is not the norm for me. I don't know if I'm just getting unlucky or c-betting too much but I'm down $125 from money won without showdown and even in the winning session I just had my red line is down.

I do have a couple of juicy hands from my sessions. I could choose from an absolute reem of bad beats but I'll only choose this one. These ones frustrate me the most. Far more than just cold decks, these really hurt me and put me on tilt:
^This genius 'traps' with AQ on the button, gets $8 into the pot behind, and $1.5 in the pot when he sucks out on the river.
For the newbs out there I'll provide ye with a short but very profitable lesson on how to crack queens with 45s out of position.
Eat that.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
+ 3.5hours, + 3.5 BI.
Can't complain, tipping along nicely. Was up about 5 BI at one point but if ever anyone has run card dead while 22 tabeling I just did it. Hit a set exactly once every 45 times I saw a flop with a pocket pair which is never nice. No special hands of note, -biggest winning hand was AA on the day by a long way.
The first is me bullying a nit, -12/5, nothing gives me greater pleasure than sneaking a pot from their cold lifeless hands.
And this is me being too aggro. Not sure what if I would play this different again. I guess I could have checked the turn. I'll post it on two plus two (here) and see what they say.
My overall stats on both sites since starting to play cash just two months ago. Rakeback is not included:

It works out at roughly $24/ before rakeback. but I'm improving :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tipping along
Haven't really played a whole bunch over last two days, - between two and three hours which is pretty rubbish. Running roughly at 4BB/100 so happy enough. Made about $150 since my monster day, but I am running way above ev and not really playing very well. Was out last night and was very tired all day so couldn't concentrate and stopped. There were a couple of interesting hands and one that I think I did play well:

Villain in above hand was a 20/16 TAG reg and it's always nice to bust a reg. Hopefully he'll have second thoughts about joining my table again:)
Q4s is loose I know and generally I avoid these hands like the plague but the villain in this hand was a 32/2 calling station and in general a poor player. Suited cards on the button? -raise and isolate... I know I did smash that flop (and turn) but I have been working on isolating the weaker players at the table. To be honest I have had to work on this because 25nl isn't as soft as people think. I play most of my games around 10am to 6pm GMT, which is absolutely loaded with regs. I should really work on playing later in the day when tired Americans come home from work to donate. Long story short the only way to make money is to play as much as possible with the weaker players and just try to hold your own versus the other TAGs. Looking to stack regs is a very tricky business, and value can only really be taken from them by abusing their blinds and pushing them around in very small pots. It's the five-tabeling part time players with stats like 20/15 that are the best at doing this, and I'm sure I'm a prime target for them. I've noticed a few of the regs floating flops and 3 betting me more and more. They always seem to have the goods when I make a stand too! meh.
I've made a little over 2K now since I started playing cash. Running very slightly above 4BB/100 over 97K hands. Rakeback should make in or around 200 more at the mo, though I will wait for a $650 bonus.
Over and out, -post any comments/ questions.
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